Residents for Quality Neighborhoods, San Luis Obispo, California


Noise Standards in San Luis Obispo

[This section is adapted from information provided by the San Luis Obispo Police Department]

The noise ordinance for the City of San Luis Obispo is a 24/7 regulation.

Between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., it is a violation to make or allow noise that is plainly audible 50 feet from the noisemaker.

Between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., it is a violation to make or allow any noise that can be heard across your property line.

Noise includes loud music and other noise, such as a loud TV, power tools, or loud voices at a party or gathering. The regulation is contained in Chapter 9.12, Noise Control, Section 9.12.050, Prohibited Acts, of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code.

Violations should be reported to and are enforced by the San Luis Obispo Police Department [Dispatch: 781-7312].

The fines for noise violations are: $350 for the first citation, $700 for the second citation, and $1,000 for the third and subsequent citations. More than one citation can be given at a party.

If the person who receives a citation is a tenant and receives a second violation, the landlord will also receive a citation. The fine schedule is the same: $350 for the first landlord citation, $700 for the second landlord citation, and $1,000 for the third and subsequent landlord citations.

The Police Department's complete fact sheet (last updated in March 2017) is here.

For questions or clarification, contact Christine Wallace at 781-7186 or at

Unruly Gathering Ordinance

Noise in neighborhoods is sometimes accompanied by large gatherings that can become unruly. The City Council adopted an ordinance prohibiting unruly gatherings on private property. The ordinance is designed to reduce or discourage the number of large gatherings or parties in City neighborhoods. The Unruly Gathering Ordinance provisions took effect on May 20, 2010. They were updated at the July 21, 2015, City Council meeting and took effect on September 17, 2015.

The regulation is contained in Chapter 9.13, Unruly Gatherings of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code.

“Unruly gathering” shall mean a gathering of twenty or more persons on private property that results in conduct that causes a substantial disturbance of the quiet enjoyment of private or public property in a significant segment of a neighborhood, including but not limited to conduct that results in any of the following: excessive noise as defined in Chapter 9.12, obstruction of public streets or rights-of-way by people or vehicles, public drunkenness, unlawful possession of alcohol or drugs, serving alcohol to minors, fights, disturbances of the peace, urinating or defecating in public, setting off fireworks, vandalism, and littering on public property or private property not belonging to the host of the gathering.

At the July 21, 2015, Council meeting, the City Council added the following items to the above list: presence of persons on rooftop areas not designed for occupancy; unpermitted live bands, amplified music or DJs; and throwing bottles or other objects or substances at law enforcement or any other person..

The City Council clarified that a violation of the ordinance is not limited to the host of the gathering or the property owner, but also pertains to any person in attendance at and engaging in conduct that contributes to the unruly gathering such as that listed above.

Violations should be reported to and are enforced by the San Luis Obispo Police Department [Dispatch: 781-7312]. In an emergency, call 9-1-1.